Learn Turkish grammar basics with

Learning grammar can actually be ENTERTAINING!
Learning a language doesn’t need hours of
commitment in a language course!
You can enjoy learning Turkish Language Grammar​



Learn Turkish Grammar, Practice For Perfection!

Available on Google Play store

Why use YMT?

Many students coming to Turkey start downloading Turkish language applications and translator apps for getting help in general communication once they arrive.
The students, having spent months using such apps, consider themselves to be good at the language. Once they reach Turkey they are hit by the realisation that they are unable to communicate in the language. Such a situation arises because these apps do not teach the actual usage of Turkish. The basic grammatical concepts, sentence construction and basic vocabulary is an essential part of a language which must be taught.
Ultimately, these students need to take expensive Turkish language courses to learn the basic grammar in Turkish language, along with their studies or jobs, which is very tough.Why rely on Google Translate when you now have an app which teaches you all the basic grammar, correct pronunciation of Turkish words and daily routine sentences which would be helpful for a newcomer. The best part of YMT App is that the learner enjoys the short and crisp activities which provide practice while you learn.

Product Information​

YMT is an android application for learning Turkish Language. It aims to help foreigners grasp the basic grammatical structure of the language which is essential to be understood in order to use the language in real-time.
This app will give you a start and you’ll keep on learning as you practice and challenge your friends to compete!
This application has been designed by a PhD student, Dept. Of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Middle East Technical University and has focused on the following:


Within this application, you will learn the following topics, accompanied by mini-lessons taught by a native Turkish teacher, Ms. Özgür Tuncay and a multitude of practice phrases accompanied with their Turkish audios.
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:



Bite–sized learning with easy to comprehend chunks of knowledge.


Vocabulary and sentences accompanied by meaningful images.


Vocabulary and sentences accompanied by human voice (native Turkish) rather than AI-based text-to-speech converted audios.


Immediate application of learned concepts within games and activities to ensure transfer of knowledge and retention.


Turkish grammar concepts taught in an easy-to-understand manner.


Practice techniques applied to activities to ensure learning.


Gold, Silver & Bronze Leagues categorizing learners based on the time spent on the app, score and level achieved.


The best and easiest option to learn grammar.


The following respected members have played a crucial role in
bringing YMT to you, please meet …

Özgur Tunçay

Ms. Özgur is an English teacher at Ahmet Haşim İlkokulu.

Nehir Ece Tunçay

2022 Ayrancı High School Graduate, Ankara. Nehir is preparing for University Entrance Exams and is interested in Computer Science and Engineering, Programing, ICT.

Şirin Nur Yacı

Şirin works in Dokuz Eylül University in İzmir, Türkiye. She acts as an instructional designer and a researcher. She is also a PhD student in the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) at METU. She is a passionate lifelong learner.

Ceren Kırboğa

Ceren is a Mathematics teacher and PhD student in the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology at METU. Teaching is a lifestyle for her along with learning.

Hafiz Qasim Ali

Hafiz Qasim Ali is an Assistant professor (on study leave) at Civil Engineering Department, University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan. Currently he is doing PhD Civil Engineering at Karadeniz Technical University. He also teaches Turkish language online to Urdu speakers living around the world.